• Member Resources

    Member Benefits

    Business Referrals:The Chamber staff provides member referrals daily to tourists, new residents, potential new residents, business people and the general population via phone, e-mail, website, walk-in inquiries, and mail requests. We follow up with email and postcard notification to members.

    Advertising: Place your business cards, printed literature, brochures, flyers, or full size ad in the Chamber's Profile Display. the Chamber will provide FREE advertisement for your business or organization through a variety of venues such as Newspaper Advertising, Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings, the Chamber's newsletter as well as numerous other area publications and local radio station coverage.

    Networking: Attend any of our monthly functions to meet and greet with fellow members and community leaders; promote your business and enjoy a variety of programs.  The Chamber offers a variety of opportunities throughout the year.  Check the Signature Events Page and the Calendar pages for information on these events.

    Committee Involvement:  An excellent opportunity to make a difference in your community.  Volunteer opportunities abound.  For more information, see our Committees pages under The Chamber.  
